
TVCC president secures contract extension

By John L. Braese

The Enterprise

ONTARIO – The Treasure Valley Community College has approved a three-year contract extension for President Dana Young.

The contract offers no raise, keeping Young’s salary at $130,049 with a monthly annuity of $700, insurance benefits and a $400 auto allowance.

The extended contract continues providing Young 20 paid days each year to work on her doctoral degree. When completed, Young will receive a $10,000 bonus.

The college hired Young in 2010.

A study by the New York Times found the average length of a dissertation program today is 8.2 years. The study also found the degree process in some fields of study require a longer period of time and in the field of education, the average time is 13 years.

To obtain a doctorate, a student must complete coursework and then study and pass a comprehensive examination. The testing can take several months.

One the exam is passed, the student must research and begin the dissertation process. The dissertation can take three years or longer.

Mark Wettstein, Treasure Valley board chairman said the majority of the board is pleased with the work Young has accomplished and supported the new contract.

The board vote on her contract was 4-2, with Roger Findley and Jed Meyers opposing it.

He also said Young expects to complete her doctorate this fall.

“She told me she has about three more interviews to do and everything should be wrapped up this fall,” said Wettstein.

Once completed, the issue of the 20 days away from her duties to work on the degree will be renegotiated next year.

“She should not need them so we will do away with them,” Wettstein said.

Wettstein said the board has set goals for the upcoming year. A major goal is successfully completing the accreditation process in 2018.

“Everything is on track for the accreditation process,” said Wettstein. “We do have some faculty dragging their feet on purpose on some things, but we will make it.”